Monday, April 8, 2013

River's Birthday Party

My baby is TWO!  When he woke up that morning, I cried.  I'm so happy to be his momma and he is such a wonderful child. Here are few things I want to remember about River at two:

1. 74% height, 20% weight
2. He LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street
3. Becoming more of a picky eater. Bummer, but it had to happen sometime!
4. not a bit interested in potty training although he has peed in the potty twice.  We'll try again at 2 1/2
5. really likes basket ball and football.  He is able to identify most types of sporting balls: soccer ball, basket ball, base ball, foot ball.
6. doesn't cry when I leave now. :(  the other day Todd said, "kick mom out of the house" (jokingly of course) and River went to the garage door, kicked his foot said, "Kick mommy, see ya!"
7. Hasn't mastered the art of sharing yet, but will share if it is HIS idea.
8. his vocabulary is too extensive to list.  He will try to say everything.
9. Loud noises are still a bit scary; but he likes to investigate.
10. Dirt is AWESOME!
11. He knows who Nana and Grandaddy are but thinks that the live in the phone or on a computer screen.
12. Has started to form a my way or no way mindset, at times.
13. his tantrums are silent. just silently throws himself on the floor.
14. Outside is his favorite place to be.
15. He has COMPLETELY caught up to his peers physically.  While he may not be a brave as other two year olds, he is still able to do what they do.

Of course, there are lots of other things, but those are the things that come to mind.

The party was ALOT of work and that much more fun!  I was surprised that everything went according to plan.  The weather was great, which was great b/c we had 13kids and 16 adults here. I started decorating a full week before and was decorating up until the last minute before everyone arrived.  We did run out of food, but we weren't providing dinner so I guess that's ok. :)

Here are a few pictures from the event (it was hard to chose just a "few"):

The extension chord wreath.
 Birthday banner, construction hats for the kids, and their "lunch box" favors
 The birthday table
 The cake! Todd wanted the job of decorating it and he did a great job!
 dirt pile out back for the kids to dig
 The table and bench in the back yard
 My cute little birthday boy in his birthday outfit
 the present table, chair and decorations
 the little ones played basketball.....
 they met new friends......
 played in the very small ball pit and had candy.....
 The water tables were a HIT! (notice the second outfit b/c I didn't want to get his first shirt muddy)
 This is little Averee, she's the baby I watch five days a week while her momma teachers.  Her momma is quitting after this year so she won't be with us anymore. :(  River is in-love with this little girl!
 opening presents:  TOMS from mom and dad
 More toys! So exciting!!  His toes were like this for every present. :)
and a TENT from mommy and daddy!
 Time for some birthday cake!

 is there something on my face?!?
 These were the decorations daddy made for the front of the house.

We also announced the gender of our second baby! :)  Looks like a little brother is on the way. 


  1. Another amazing birthday party you threw for your son, Tiff! Looks like it was a blast. Wish I could've been there with you to celebrate!

  2. Wow, you could throw parties for a living!! That is pretty incredible. River is such a doll. Congrats on your all-boy house!! You will LOVE it!!
