Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 11: Heron's Nest RV Park (Gleenwood Springs area)

Last night was the most uncomfortable night for all of us.  No electricity means a pretty poorly functioning fan and the portable heater. The coyotes were howling all night and we left a bag of trash out which kept me up and worried for over an hr.  Luckily, my brave husband finally got the trash and took it up to the dumpster.  While we fought staying warm all night, this morning we all woke up sweating! 

I feel that being pregnant I need to mention the amazing luck we’ve had with bathrooms!  Riverview had very clean bathrooms AND showers and Stagecoach bathrooms were also very nice! 

We made it to our third campsite, Heron’s Nest RV Park, around 1PM.  This was the site with no website, and didn’t take reservations, although Todd finally got them to take a reservation.  He looked it up on google maps and it looked like a nice shady spot right on a perfect fishing river. We were a little surprised as it was not really what we were expecting.  Our “river side” campsite was across up a huge bank, over a fence and across a dirt road from the extremely high and “unfishable” River.  It was also in the direct sunlight with no shade from the trees.  Todd was bummed.  Luckily, it seems that most people that stay at this park are residents and we were given a choice of four sites.  We picked the one with a shade tree as the sun was pretty intense.

As soon as we arrived, River started crying and did not stop until he fell asleep while I was holding him.  He has not fallen asleep on me since he was itty bitty. Todd set up the camper while he slept on me for about 15 min.  As soon as the camper was set up we tried to put him down for a nap and two hrs later he was still playing and talking.  I made hotdogs and hotdog sauce and the boys had chips, for lunch. 

River and I laid down  while daddy ran to get more ice for the cooler.  When daddy got back, he “napped” with us as well… however, I’m pretty sure NO ONE slept!  The winds here are really bad and our awning was being blown everywhere. 

I must admit; at this point, we weren’t have much “fun”.  It was HOT, we are sweating, exhausted 2yr old, staying in the middle of what feels like a lower scale “Myrtle Manor” (if that’s possible), the wind was blowing our camper over, and we were all just cranky by this point!   We decided to give up and head into town for some AC (and hopefully some WiFi).... we saw the movie Epic and grabbed a quick dinner at Qdoba. 

When we got home Riv got some popcorn as a bed time snack, daddy read him some books and we turned in for the night.  While, there were no coyotes keeping us awake this night, we were close enough the interstate to hear the occasional semi-tuck run through. 

Here are some pics of how the inside of the camper is set up for these short trips.  The tuperwares are as organized as can be and our clothes are in the suitcases. Luckily we were able to unpac most of the kitchen supplies into the cabinets.  There is also a pic of Riv’s bed which fits PERFECTLY where our table goes. 

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