Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 14: Molas Pt2

Another fun day! We slept pretty good last, just pregnancy pains keeping me awake.  I”ll try some Benadryl tonight.

Our day started at around 8am,  the boys had cereal and I had a protein bar.

After breakfast, my sugars were still low so I crammed more carbs down, did some crocheting all while the boys played by the water. Todd fished and Riv just loved being with daddy at the lake. Then we all went to explore the campsites. Molas State Park is the most beautiful site we have ever been to by far! I feel like we are in an advertisement for RV sales, or a Colorado tourist commercial.

This is our camper from the other side of the lake

River fell asleep on Daddy's back. 

I was 30 weeks on this day, so only 10 weeks to go!

The plan was to come back, make lunch and then put River down for a REAL nap.  The walk was long, and we had perfect weather! The sun was out, the breeze was blowing, no humidity, and in the 70s.  Riv fell asleep on the walk. After we got back I made chicken quesadillas for lunch and they were YUMM! (why is it that food tastes better when you’re camping).  Then we all tried to take a nap.  

River refused to sleep (even though he was exhausted).  He yelled at us, cried, and talked the entire time…. And Todd snored through it all.  I of course, did not get one second of shut eye.  Oh well! Time for the next adventure.

We decided to explore the closest small town and it was so stinkin’ cute!  Silverton has lots of old shops, cute cafés, a horse drawn carriage and is all located in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains.  We even found a tiny little Church of Christ!

We all got cute souviners; Todd found the coolest shirt that says “Sea Level is for sissies”, I got a new “wedding band” that fits my swollen finger, and River actually found a “baby happy”.  “Happy” is his hedge hog he has always had and slept with… he calls her Happy and he found a “baby happy” and had to take it home.

He wanted all the "baby Happies"! 

We had a BBQ dinner at one of the restruants down town.  It was yummy, but after walking around all day, it was NOT enough food for me!  (plus Riv ate half of my dinner)

After dinner we went on a little adventure and drove through the mountains on a dirt road we found.  Riv took another little nap, and we saw some more amazing country. Our God is so magnificent!

Then came back to the campsite where I did dishes, while Todd started a fire.  I’m pretty sure we had the crankiest toddler on the planet by this point! He was whining NON-STOP and driving me nuts.  Poor kid was slightly sun burnt, tired and just wanted his bed. 

After dishes Riv and I played up by the fire roasting marshmallows and playing with toys while daddy did some fishing at the lake. 

Oh and we had columbine flowers surrounding our campsite. The columbine is our state flower… isn’t she pretty?!?

We ended the day with singing several songs by the fire (and even dancing to some: “Lord’s Army” and “Hippopotamus”).  Another great day and ready for our last camping spot tomorrow night!

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